The Middle Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu For more Balance

Hold the MIDDLE fingers for more BALANCE and HARMONY

In the practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu, the middle fingers are very important. Known as the “Great Harmonizers,” these fingers play a crucial role in balancing our entire being on multiple levels: physical, mental, and spiritual. In this post, I delve into the remarkable benefits of holding the middle fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu. I explore how this simple practice can lead to greater balance and harmony in our lives.

Watch the video where I talk about the MIDDLE fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu and more

Understanding ATTITUDES

One of my instructors once said in class that “feelings create movement, while attitudes create stuckness”. The attitudes to be aware of are WORRY, FEAR ANGER, GRIEF, EFFORTING (or TRYING TOs). Therefore, it is important to recognize and harmonize these feelings before they turn into fixed attitudes that block our energy flow. The good news is that we can hold the corresponding finger(s) in Jin Shin Jyutsu to harmonise attitudes. Simple and effective!

The MIDDLE Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu

The middle fingers are often referred to as the “Great Harmonizers” in Jin Shin Jyutsu. Positioned in the center of the fingers, they balance all elements in the body. They are related to the ATTITUDE of ANGER.

Hold MIDDLE fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu to:

  1. Harmonize anger: Very helpful to manage feelings of anger. Also easy for kids who have anger management issues.
  2. Breathe more easily: Holding the middle fingers in a particular way, or mudra (see below) is dynamic for the exhale and the inhale.
  3. Help the gallbladder and liver: Middle fingers are associated with the gallbladder and liver flows, helping the physical organs as well.
  4. Balance blood essence: The middle finger’s function is related to blood essence. Although blood essence is not yet the physical manifestation of the blood, holding the middle fingers in my experience can help regulate blood pressure. I remember years ago, one of my students who was pregnant was able to normalise her high blood pressure by holding her middle fingers.
  5. Improve eye health: If you suffer from tired or sore eyes, especially due to extensive reading or screen time, holding the middle finger can provide relief.
  6. Relieve headaches: A friend and Jin Shin Jyutsu colleague held her middle finger when she had a headache and after a few minutes it was completely gone.
  7. Release stress and tension in the knees
  8. Help with Allergies

To hold either Middle Finger, just wrap one hand around the other finger:

Two dynamic MUDRAS using the MIDDLE Fingers

There are many ways to hold the fingers – so there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way. The main thing is that it feels comfortable for you in any given situation. For instance, when I lie down in a certain position I might need to change the way I hold from when I sit.

However, I find the MIDDLE fingers particularly interesting. Master Jiro Murai gave us two mudras or finger poses that involve holding these fingers.


Left Side
Place the right thumb along the palm side of the left middle finger and
Place the other fingers of the right hand on the back side of the left middle finger (shown below).

Right Side
Place the left thumb along the palm side of the right middle finger and
Place the other fingers of the left hand on the back side of the right middle finger.

The Middle Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu Mudra 1


Left Side
Place the right thumb along the back of the left middle finger and
Place the other fingers of the right hand on the palm side of the left middle finger (shown below).

Right Side
Place the left thumb along the back of the right middle finger and
Place the other fingers of the left hand on the palm side of the right middle finger.

The Middle Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu Mudra 2

Practicing these two mudras is a complete exercise.

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My Guided Practice Hour Bundle where I show you various Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises to help the Digestive and Immune Systems, The Eyes, to Relax Mind and Body and get Mental and Emotional Balance.