The Little Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu Take the Effort out of Life

The Power of Little Fingers

When was the last time you gave your little fingers any attention, let alone held them? It was a long time ago that I discovered the incredible harmonising power of holding the little fingers in the practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Watch the video where I talk about the Little Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu

Turn Effort into Effortless

Mary Burmeister, who introduced Jin Shin Jyutsu to the West, related the little fingers to the ATTITUDE of TRYING TOs. This relates to the energy of ‘efforting’ and striving in our lives. When life feels like a struggle, holding either little finger can transform effort into effortless flow. Within AND without.

Benefits of Holding the Little Fingers

There are many benefits in holding the Little Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu:

  • Harmonise Heart and Small Intestine energy: Mary Burmeister said that holding the little fingers can harmonise ALL heart functions. So if you are experiencing any heart discomforts hold especially the left little finger.
  • Skeletal System Support: Little fingers are related to the skeletal system. Regularly holding the little finger can help strengthen bones and support overall skeletal health.
  • Mental Clarity and Brain Function: If you need to clear your mind or enhance brain functions, holding either or both little fingers can be very effective.
  • Walking and Physical Strain: Walking can overload the energy related to the little fingers. When you feel fatigue or discomfort from walking or physical activity, holding your little finger can help restore balance and alleviate pain in the legs and feet.
  • Ease a Sore Throat: At the first sign of a sore throat, hold the little finger on the same side as the sore throat.

How to Hold the Little Fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu

To practice holding the little fingers, simply wrap the fingers of one hand around your opposite little finger. You can do this anytime and anywhere—while watching TV, during a meeting, or before bed. Hold for as long as it feels comfortable and notice the effects. A few minutes can make a difference, but holding for up to 20 minutes can bring more profound benefits. You can hold the little fingers and indeed, any fingers as often and whenever you like.

Hold the little fingers in Jin Shin Jyutsu

Success Stories

Personally, I have experienced the most profound sense of peace and bliss just by holding my little finger. It happened during a particularly stressful period, when I was absolutely exhausted. I remember I just sat and held my little finger, and within a few minutes I had the most wonderful experience. I didn’t want to let go as I felt I was deeply replenishing my energy on all levels. Afterwards, I felt a remarkable sense of relaxation and harmony.

In another story, one of my clients who frequently experienced heart palpitations found significant relief by holding her little finger. It helped her heart settle down and restored her sense of calm.

A while back, when I was out for a walk with my husband, I experienced unusual discomfort in my feet. By holding my little finger and placing my hands in my pockets (on the groins at SEL 15), I managed to alleviate the discomfort within minutes. This enabled me to enjoy the rest of the walk! From effort, to effortless.

Want to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu regularly?

I offer weekly group practice sessions. They are live online. See more information at RealTime Group Practice.