Self Help to Beat Fatigue and the Heat
Fatigue colors our world and affects how we feel. Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help is, in my experience, one of the most powerful ways to overcome fatigue.
It’s all about re-energizing
Time after time, I have tried and tested these holds and it is absolutely amazing how my whole world can change in 20 minutes – purely because I have been able to re-energize myself. And if I can, you can too with this simple exercise.
The Spleen energy function governs our energy levels and this exercise is very powerful for vitality and calm (one needs energy to stay calm, believe it or not!) – 20 minutes minimum every day.
The Spleen is the biggest lymphatic organ in the body and if kept happy, helps all the other organs.
We need energy to BE calm
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, energy moves through the body in specific pathways called FLOWS. So when we practicing a sequence of holds, we are harmonizing a flow.
The following self-help flow can be used to revitalize and re-energize the whole being. So it’s a great exercise to alleviate mental and physical fatigue. When we revitalize our energy, we feel calmer too!
Use it to regulate the body’s temperature (to warm the body when it’s cold, to cool the body when it’s hot), and to balance the nervous system (to calm).
Tip: put on a chill out CD and when the track changes, move the hands to the next position… The music can add a wonderful dimension to the session…
You can use the Spleen Flow for everything
Spleen Flow – for general revitalizing
Hold each step for 2-3 minutes or until you feel you want to move to the next position.
Right side
Place Left hand on base of spine (coccyx) and
Place Right hand on the right inside of heel bone below the ankle then
Move Right hand and place on left base of rib cage (front) then
Move Left hand and place on right chest then
Move Left hand and place on left base of collar bone
Left side
Place Right hand on base of spine (coccyx) and
Place Left hand on the left inside of heel bone below the ankle then
Move Left hand and place on right base of rib cage (front) then
Move Right hand and place on left chest then
Move Right hand and place on right base of collar bone
So to summarize: the Spleen flow helps beat fatigue, insomnia, headaches, anxiety and much more. It supports the immune system, helps the digestive system, helps regulate our body temperature and this flow also helps the skin, and helps calm the attitude of WORRY.
It’s just a great general all round wonder flow – use it with HUMILITY AND GRATITUDE!
See also:
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