Jin Shin Jyutsu for Foot Pain
When I am in pain I want it gone fast! So when I am out on the go, whether I am walking or running errands, I want my feet to feel happy and comfortable. Being very practical and not very patient when it comes to pain anywhere, I, of course, immediately apply my hands to help MYSELF. There are various Jin Shin Jyutsu holds to alleviate foot pain, and this simple one is a favourite of mine. So easy to do, you can even practice it in front of the telly!
Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold
Turn Foot Problems into Projects
When we work on ourselves, we can turn foot problems into projects. Mary Burmeister, one of the foremost teachers of Jin Shin Jyutsu says: “Problems are based in FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), but projects are based in FUN (Fulfilling, Understanding, No-Thing).”
Notwithstanding, foot pain can feel like a heavy burden, affecting not just mobility but overall well-being. Whether the pain and discomfort stem from high arches, flat feet, calluses, corns, warts or some other, finding relief is essential. After all, our feet need to support the rest of us so it’s a good idea to give them some attention in whatever way we can, and this Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for foot pain is a gem to know about.
The Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise
Sit or stand – you can even do this exercise, as I do, while walking.
Cross the arms. Place the left hand over the right elbow and place the right hand over the left elbow.
Mary says: “One can hold (jumper cable) the Safety Energy Lock no. 19 (the thumb side at the bend of the elbow) to aid making feet problems into projects. Both elbows or one at a time can be held (jumper cabled).”

About SEL 19 at the Elbows
Safety Energy Lock 19 is found at the elbows. It is not only useful for foot problems but it also helps clear the waistline area, aiding with any digestive issues as well. Additionally, it helps clear Safety Energy Lock 9, located on the back between the spine and the lower part of the shoulder blade, which can be difficult to reach directly. By working with Safety Energy Lock 19, you can indirectly harmonise areas that might otherwise be harder to address.
SEL 19 in itself is helpful for the arms and elbows of course, and it restores balance to the left and right sides of the body. It restores our leadership and authority; not so much over others, but within MYSELF.
Want to Practice Jin Shin Jyutsu Regularly?
I offer a weekly group practice in a closed community where we come together from all over the world. It’s great fun and every week we practice different Jin Shin Jyutsu flows – so a great motivation to have more Jin Shin Jyutsu in your life! For more information see RealTime Group Practice.