Give MY SELF a Jin Shin Jyutsu Hug
In this post, I share a couple of simple exercises to harmonise all functions and bring peace to mind and body. Just
Quick Exercise for Fast Stress Release
In our fast paced, modern day-to-day world, we can sometimes get stressed very quickly. So here is a quick exercise for fast stress release.
Energize the Adrenals and ease FEAR and Anxiety
When was the last time you were aware of the two small glands that sit on the top of each kidney?
Well, if
Five Ways to Detoxify the Body
Our body is a wonderfully intelligent and complex system. As I said in a previous post, all the zillions of cells require good fuel, clean
Self Help holds for fast stress relief
Stress. We all have to deal with stresses every day, which impair the stability and balance of bodily functions. A little stress is good
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help for Anxiety
Anxiety and FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) are a big part of our lives.
Managing our anxieties and fears goes a long way to