Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold for joint pain relief
If you experience pain in your joints, whether it’s from arthritis, overuse, or injury, it can be a real downer to enjoying daily life. The good news is that the Jin Shin Jyutsu hold I share in this post can bring relief to your joints, no matter where the pain, discomfort or stiffness shows up on the body! This is one of my very favourite self help holds as it helps the body in so many ways, from head to toes and toes to head.
Watch the video where I show you the self help hold
How I discovered this Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for joint pain
Years ago, I was in a job that required an intense amount of physical activity. Day after day, I would push my body for hours and hours. Then I would come home exhausted and collapse on the couch in front of the television.
I was horrified to discover how stiff my body was after a couple of hours of this inactivity. I could barely move.
Bearing in mind that I was quite young, I decided that this was not acceptable and I had to take action.
I confess that I ditched the job after a while, but more importantly, I practiced the following Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise every day.
I was astonished at what a difference it made. The stiffness and discomfort in my joints eased and then disappeared.
Not only that, I felt more energised, my head was clearer and my stiff neck and shoulders were easier.
Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise for joint pain relief
Below I give you two versions of the exercise.
The first one is the simplified one that might be easier to practice when you start. The second one has a couple of adjustments.
Now I can hear you ask: “Well, what is the difference and which way is most effective?” The difference is your comfort. When you start practicing this hold, you might find it easier just to do the ‘simpler’ version. I have tried and tested both versions, and believe me, they both ‘work’!
In my experience, placing the same hand over the shoulder can be a bit uncomfortable when there is tension in the neck, shoulder and arm. So start with the side that is most comfortable to do. When you work on one side, it will help the other side. Start with a couple of minutes, and work your way up to 10 minutes each side, or 20 minutes one side.
Left side (simple version shown)
Place left hand over left shoulder at SEL 11 and
place right hand over left elbow at SEL 19
relax the hands and hold.

Left side (other version)
Place right fingers in the center of the left elbow at SEL 19, then bend the elbow and
Place left hand over left shoulder at SEL 11 and SEL 3
SEL 3 is in the space between the top of the shoulder blade and the spine, a bit further down on the back from SEL 11
For the right side, (simple version) reverse the hands, so
Place right hand over right shoulder at SEL 11 and
place left hand over the right elbow at SEL 19
Right side (other version)
Place left fingers in the center of the right elbow at SEL 19, then bend the elbow and
Place right hand over right shoulder at SEL 11 and SEL 3
SEL 3 is in the space between the top of the shoulder blade and the spine, a bit further down on the back from SEL 11
Remember you can do this exercise sitting or lying down, even standing up!
You might also like my Bundle of Illustrated Workbooks in PDF format. Each illustrated workbook contains over 50 pages and shows a variety of Jin Shin Jyutsu self help exercises to: Alleviate Fatigue, Clear Stress and Tension, Relieve Anxiety and deal with Emergencies.