What can I do for varicose veins?
A question that I am asked a lot is: ” What Jin Shin Jyutsu self help can I do for varicose veins?”
A while back I had a client in my practice who came to see me every week. She never mentioned she had varicose veins until a few months later.
We were reviewing how things were going, how she was feeling, and in passing she says: “Oh, and my varicose veins have gone!” Well, that’s what she said.

The Key
The key to preventing and calming varicose veins is to keep the energy moving down and up the legs. Very often there is a “bottle neck” of energy in the hip line.
A lot of tension can build up there, but the good news is that there are a few Jin Shin Jyutsu self help holds to help clear and release this area. In fact, anything that moves the energy in the legs helps, as it also increases circulation. So if your legs feel heavy then this is for you too.
The 15s
The key to the prevention of varicose veins is Safety Energy Lock 15 found on the left and right groin (see image).
A simple self help is to place the left hand on left SEL 15 and right hand on right SEL 15. Hold for a few minutes. I like to do this when I am ready to fall asleep, but you can do it at any time. Just get comfortable, close your eyes, place your hands, and relax.

You can also do the following:
For the left leg: Place your left fingers on your left groin (SEL 15) and place your right fingers on the arch of the left foot (SEL 6). Hold for 3-5 minutes.
Right leg: Place your right fingers on the right groin (SEL 15) and place your left fingers on the arch of the right foot (SEL 6). Hold for 3-5 minutes.
Clearing the pelvic girdle
Clearing the pelvic girdle is also really helpful to keep the energy moving in the legs. Simply place the left fingers on the pubic bone and the right hand at the base of the spine (on the tailbone if possible). Hold for 3-5 minutes or longer.
This clears the area and is also a great hold for cramping that might occur before or during menstruation (or at any time to be honest!).

You might recognise this Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold as the last position of the Main Central Source of Life exercise.
See also:
Main Central Source of Life Exercise
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