The Power of Holding the Thumbs and Fingers
Many talk about the Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method. But what is it? And how come I can feel better when I hold one of my thumbs or fingers?
When I have a tummy ache I hold one of my thumbs. Within seconds to minutes, my tummy ache is gone. When I feel that my muscles are tense, I hold my index finger. Within seconds to minutes, I can feel my body relaxing, easing, releasing tension.
Watch the video to practice along in real time
A Universal Art
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a Universal Art, available to each one of us from the moment we come into this world. It is part of our human make up.
The basis of Jin Shin Jyutsu, and what makes it so dynamic is the self help available to us. The basis of self help IS the thumb and fingers.
We all hold our fingers to help ourselves. Babies do it when they suck their thumbs. Sucking the thumb helps regenerate baby’s energies, eases their tummy and soothes and nurtures them.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method: IT IS all in our hands
Our energy body is made up of 144,000 energy functions. They are energy pathways like rivers, connecting us from head to toe and toe to head. All those energy pathways are found in the hands. So holding a finger helps 14,400 energy functions.
The energies of each finger relate to an ‘attitude’. So when we feel WORRY we can hold the Thumb to calm the mind. When we feel FEAR, anxiety or nervousness, we can hold the Index finger to calm the nervous system. To harmonise ANGER, hold the middle finger. SADNESS or grief is eased by holding the ring finger. Holding the little finger helps when we feel we are EFFORTING or TRYING TO in life – when we are trying to please everyone else.
You can do this anytime, anywhere
You can do this Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method exercise anywhere and at any time that your hands are free. Just wrap your right hand around the thumb or a finger of the left hand, and/or the right hand. Relax your hands and hold. You can do the right hand first if you wish. For best results, sit comfortably and close your eyes.
By holding each thumb and finger in turn every day for a few minutes, we can calm the mind, soothe the nervous system, and regenerate our whole being.
See also:
Jin Shin Jyutsu to boost energy
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