How to regulate your body temperature with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Feeling too hot or too cold?

During the summer months many of us struggle with the heat. When temperatures rise, it can be challenging to keep cool and comfortable, especially if your body has difficulty adjusting. Mine certainly needs assistance so when I discovered that Jin Shin Jyutsu could help me manage my body temperature, I was overjoyed!

Equally, when the weather is dull and grey and the body feels cold, there is a simple sequence of Jin Shin Jyutsu holds or a flow we can practice to help bring solar energy into the body.

Watch the video where I share a Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise for body temperature

It started with Master Jiro Murai

Even Master Jiro Murai, the founder of Jin Shin Jyutsu, was known to wear a wool tunic regardless of the weather, be it hot or cold. He also kept an umbrella nearby, which I find eminently sensible. His secret, however, was his ability to balance his body temperature with his hands.

Jin Shin Jyutsu self help to regulate body temperature

There are many flows and self help holds in Jin Shin Jyutsu that we can practice to manage our body temperature. Whether we feel too warm or too cold, knowing where to place your hands can make all the difference!

One of my favourite flows to help me feel more comfortable is the Spleen flow. It is vital to energise the body, support the nervous system, calm the mind, and of course, regulate body temperature.

First up: The Spleen Flow

Left side (shown)
Position 1: Place your right hand, palm up against the body, under the coccyx. The left hand goes on the left inside of the heel, under the ankle on the left foot (at Safety Energy Lock 5). Relax the hands and hold there for a couple of minutes, then

Exercise position 1

Position 2: Move the left hand to the right side of the body onto the right last rib (at Safety Energy Lock 14). Hold there for a couple of minutes, then

Jin Shin Jyutsu to regulate body temperature position 2

Position 3: Move the right hand to the left chest (at Safety Energy Lock 13), and keep the left hand on Safety Energy Lock 14. Hold there for a couple of minutes, then

Exercise position 3

Position 4: Move the right hand onto the right base of the collarbone (at Safety Energy Lock 22). Place the fingers on the bone and slide down it. Hold there for a couple of minutes.

Jin Shin Jyutsu to regulate body temperature position 4

Right side
Position 1: Place your left hand, palm up against the body, under the coccyx. The right hand goes on the right inside of the heel, under the ankle on the right foot (at Safety Energy Lock 5), then
Position 2: Move the right hand to the left side of the body onto the left last rib (at Safety Energy Lock 14), then
Position 3: Move the left hand to the right chest (at Safety Energy Lock 13), and keep the right hand on Safety Energy Lock 14 then,
Position 4: Move the left hand onto the left base of the collarbone (at Safety Energy Lock 22). Place the fingers on the bone and slide down it.

The Magic 8s

One of the essential energy sites for temperature regulation is located on the outside of the knee, known as Safety Energy Lock (SEL) number 8. This energy site plays an important role in helping to balance body temperature.

  • To Cool the Body: Hold the left SEL 8 (outside of the left knee) for a few minutes.
  • To Warm the Body: Hold the right SEL 8 (outside of the right knee) for a few minutes.

Tip: If you have trouble remembering which side to hold, you can hold both energy sites simultaneously, and your body will naturally find its balance. So clever!

Other Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises to cool and warm the body

In a previous post I shared a special self help hold: Magic Exercise for a Facelift. This helps the deep skin and therefore acts like your own personal air conditioning. If you’re feeling really hot and you need to cool down quick, this is the one for you.

I have also shared a Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold to warm the body. This Self Help Hold for the Skin Surface helps warm the feet and the whole body. It is also very helpful for the skin.

Want to experience the power of Jin Shin Jyutsu?

I offer weekly group practice sessions. They are live online. More information at RealTime Group Practice.

More about the Spleen Flow in German

I would like to acknowledge an esteemed Jin Shin Jyutsu colleague: Anke Oltmann. She is based in Germany and offers a variety of courses and resources about Jin Shin Jyutsu in German. If you would like to know more about the Spleen flow (and much more) have a look at her Anniversary Calendar 2024 (my contribution was for the month of May: International day of the sun).