Restoring Balance
“We come into the world with an exhalation, to clear and empty us, so that we can receive. We never ‘take’ a breath. We ‘receive’ a breath.” Mary Burmeister (From The Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister)
Jin Shin Jyutsu Global Event to Restore Harmony
On Wednesday, 3 June (3.6) we aim to harmonize all our individual energy functions – and as we do that, we help restore balance to the collective energy as well. The more of us there are, the more we create a rainbow of harmony across the world.
Will you join us for this fifth Global Jin Shin Jyutsu Event to Restore Balance by using the fingers and the breath?
Join us any time that is convenient for you on June 3, 2015, where ever you are in the world:
Summary of the exercise:
1) Wrap the right hand around the left thumb. Relax the hands.
Exhale, then inhale comfortably three times as you hold…
Then wrap the right hand around the left index finger and exhale, then inhale 3x
then do the same for the left middle finger, ring finger, little finger and left center of palm.
2) Wrap the left hand around the right thumb. Relax the hands.
Exhale/inhale comfortably three times as you hold…
Then wrap the left hand around the right index finger and exhale/inhale 3x
then do the same for the right middle finger, ring finger, little finger and right center of palm.
When you finish holding all the fingers and palms you will have exhaled/inhaled 36 breaths.
as explained by Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner Pam Makie who is based in New York City:
ATTITUDES are the keys to our harmony with the universe. Each Finger, Thumb and Palm are the simple unlocking KEYS to harmonizing attitudes. Anytime you need to harmonize any attitude, lightly hold the entire corresponding finger, thumb, or palm with your opposite hand. For example if you feel worried hold your entire thumb, if you are angry hold your entire middle finger, etc. See the attitude and finger connection in the illustration.
(3+6=9. Number 9 is New Beginning.) As Mary Burmeister said: “In this Breath, I am One of a kind. There can be no competing, comparing, judging, labeling, or being judged.”
Years ago, while teaching a Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Class, I suddenly realized if you hold each finger, thumb and palm for 3 conscious divine breaths each, it adds up to 36. A good way to keep count, and it’s also a new beginning (9)! It becomes a nice little simple but powerful “meditation” for daily use.
So combining this with some of my meditation practices this evolved:
Sit in a straight back chair such as a dining room or kitchen chair. Take off shoes, and place your feet flat on the floor. Relax. As I remember Mary Burmeister saying, “Drop your shoulders. Be the dropping of the shoulders”. Sit comfortably straight. First concentrate on your feet…see them getting bigger and more “open”, more grounded/connected to the earth. They will begin to feel expanded and warmer. Observe how it feels.
NOW FOR THE DEEP CONSCIOUS breaths. WITH AWARENESS first EXHALE FULLY. Now, keeping the awareness of you feet, INHALE (through your nose) from your solar plexus up completely filling your lungs from the bottom up. On the gentle complete inhale feel the expansion of the hips, pelvic girdle and rib cage. Keep shoulders relaxed. Then EXHALE deeply and completely through your nose. BE AWARE of your breath. BE the EXHALE. Are you exhaling and inhaling completely, are you breathing in/out from all areas of your lungs? To check your breathing at first, it may help to keep your hand on your solar plexus to feel the rise (inhale) and the fall (exhale) of that area. Think of inhaling up the back, and exhaling down the front.
Now you are aware of the basics of breathing CONSCIOUS DIVINE BREATHS.
To start the 36 breaths use your opposite hand to separately hold the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, and palm. Count 3 BREATHS while holding each. Now repeat with the other hand. Observe how you feel after.
Observe the cumulative effect from practicing this daily. As Mary Burmeister said, “Be your own Testimony”.
The Universal Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu contributed the awareness of the 36 Conscious Divine Breaths, and the attitudes connected with the fingers when we are not in optimal harmony, and to hold these fingers.
Not only are you becoming aware of your breath, you also are harmonizing any attitudes of imbalance.
This is a “complicatedly simple” but very powerful way to help yourself.
When not doing this exercise, you will find yourself breathing “better”. Also, if you are fearful you can simply hold your index finger without utilizing the entire exercise. BE YOUR OWN TESTIMONY. This is an art. You are the artist.
Thanks in advance for practicing this exercise with us.
Harmonize the world one set of hands at a time, a day at a time!
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