Main Central IS our Source of Life Energy
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, the Main Central IS the Source of Life. This is the energy that goes DOWN the FRONT of our body and UP the BACK. Main Central feeds all of our 144,000 energy functions.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Main Central: A versatile exercise
Use it as a ‘tune up’ once a day, when you need a pick up, or when you feel out of sorts. It helps with everything.
Watch the video and practice along!
In the video below, I guide you through the Jin Shin Jyutsu Main Central exercise. This practice takes just a few minutes but can rejuvenate your entire being, providing benefits equivalent to several hours of sleep.
Practice all the steps or just the one you need
The great thing about this exercise is that you can practice all eight steps for a complete refresh, or you can select the positions that you feel you need at the time. So for instance, if you’ve had a big meal and your abdomen feels uncomfortable or heavy, you can go straight to position four. Hold until there is relief.
BE comfortable
To practice Main Central get into a comfortable position. You can do the exercise sitting down, but I prefer to lie down and support my arms (especially my right arm as it’s going to be in the same position for a while) with pillows and cushions. Hold each position for a few minutes each, or as long as you like! Some positions will feel so comfortable, you might spend quite a bit of time on just one hold.
There aren’t any rules – except to enjoy!
Jin Shin Jyutsu Main Central Exercise
In this exercise, the right hand remains on top of the head until the last hold when it moves to the coccyx, and the left hand moves down the front of the body as explained.

Clear the head
Position 1: Place Right Hand/Fingers on Top of Head
Maintain the right hand in this position during the routine through Positions 1 to 6.
Position 1: Place Left Fingers between Eyebrows/Forehead
The Vital Force of Total Being. Revitalises the deep energy circulation. This position improves memory so it is good for forgetfulness. Also useful when you can’t get to sleep at night. Harmonises the pituitary and pineal glands.
Release the pelvic girdle
Position 2: Place Left Fingers on Tip of Nose
Revitalises superficial body energy circulation, releases tension in the pelvic girdle and helps the reproductive organs.
Revitalise breathing and help the immune system
Position 3: Place Left Fingers on Center of Chest on the Sternum
Look for the ‘bump’ on the sternum, and place your fingers there. Helps with breathing, revitalises the lungs. Clears the pelvic girdle and hips. Helps the immune system. See also the post Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help for the Immune System
Support the digestive system and adrenals
Position 4: Place Left Fingers at Base of Sternum
Revitalises the energy path of the spleen and the adrenals, assists in the secretion of digestive juices and hormones. Gateway to the solar energy system revitalising the nervous system. Revitalises Source of Life energy, descending and ascending. See also the post Jin Shin Jyutsu for Vitality and Calm
Strengthen the spine
Position 5: Place Left Fingers on Pubic Bone
Revitalises the descending energy (down the front). Helps strengthen the spine.
Aid circulation in the legs and feet
Position 6: Right Hand moves from Top of Head to Base of Spine (Coccyx).
Revitalises the ascending energy (up the back), helps circulation in the legs and feet, helps cold and clammy hands and feet. Alleviates menstrual cramps.
Want to learn more?
If you’d like some guidance on your Jin Shin Jyutsu journey – you might also be interested in:
Hands-on Self Help Mini eCourse (with videos)