Exercise Hold THUMB for WORRY


When I do this exercise and simply hold my thumb, I can calm worry and too many thoughts going on in my head.

My mind went blank!

Years ago I had a client come and see me for an aromatherapy massage. She was a student and was really worrying about her exams. She wasn’t sleeping either.

So I suggested she hold either one of her Thumbs at bedtime.

She came back the following week and couldn’t wait to tell me her experience of holding her thumb!

“I was struggling to get to sleep, my mind full of worries and thoughts. Then I remembered what you told me so I grabbed one of my thumbs. After a couple of minutes, my mind started ’emptying’ – it went like, blank. So I worried about it going blank! But I kept holding and I was able to go to sleep. Amazing!”

When we are not used to not having anything to think or worry about it can be quite unsettling. But that is how powerful this hold IS.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise: Hold the Thumb

Flows For Life Jin Shin Jyutsu Thumb

Hold your THUMB (either side) to harmonize the attitude of WORRY, and to help:

  • Insomnia
  • Digestion
  • Headaches (esp. base of thumb)
  • Stress and nerves
  • Ground and calm
  • Nurture
  • Skin surface
  • Stomach and spleen energy
  • When have to SIT a lot

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help with Astrid – The Thumb

The basis of self help in Jin Shin Jyutsu IS the thumbs and fingers. In this video (originally a live stream on my Facebook page) I talk about the benefits of holding the THUMB and the origins of Jin Shin Jyutsu, this wonderful Art of harmonizing the energy in the body. I also answer viewers’ questions and share some interesting stories! I hope you enjoy it.

See also:

Jin Shin Jyutsu to boost energy and balance emotions

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