Jin Shin Jyutsu for legs and feet

Recently, I embarked on a lovely yet challenging hike full of ups and downs. Luckily, a simple Jin Shin Jyutsu hold came to the rescue when my legs and feet started to hurt.

Living in an area of beautiful countryside, I try to make the most of good weather by heading out whenever I can. My usual routes are quite hilly, and today involved plenty of climbing and descending. After a while, my legs and feet began to complain.

If you’re an avid walker, you probably know the feeling – the aches, the fatigue. Fortunately, knowing where to place our hands helps ease those aches and restores comfort, even when we’re on the go!

Watch the video for the Jin Shin Jyutsu hold to help the legs and feet

Ease discomfort when you’re on the go

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a Universal Art that harmonises the energy in the body by placing our hands on specific locations where we find energy sites or Safety Energy Locks. What I love most is how I can practice it on the go, anywhere, anytime, 24.7 because my hands are always with me!

A key Safety Energy Lock to help the legs and feet

As I walk, I often work with Safety Energy Lock 15, which is located on the groin area. Safety Energy Lock 15 is great because it helps keep the energy flowing down the legs and into the feet, releasing tension and recharging these areas. This is incredibly helpful because it means I don’t have to stop to work directly on my feet (although I can do that too if necessary).

Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for legs and feet

Hold the groins while you walk!

Place your right hand in your right pocket so your fingers rest on your right groin at SEL 15 and
Place your left hand in your left pocket in the same way, so your fingers are on your left groin at SEL 15.

As you continue your walk, simply keep your hands in this position. By gently placing your hands on these Safety Energy Locks, you help the energy flow smoothly through your legs and feet. For me, it always make such a difference in how I feel when I walk. My body feels easier and I enjoy walking so much more!

Want to learn and practice more Jin Shin Jyutsu?

I offer a weekly group practice where people from all over the world gather to experience this beautiful art. It’s a great way to connect, learn, and share, and I look forward to it each week. See RealTIme Group Practice.

See also:

Jin Shin Jyutsu on the GO for STAMINA