A simple self help hold to breathe more easily
I love walking among the vibrant autumn colours surrounding me, and often feel the urge to pick up my pace or go a bit further. This simple hold feels like turning on my inner generator, giving me that extra boost! Whether you’re walking, jogging, or even running a marathon, this powerful Jin Shin Jyutsu hold helps you breathe deeply and more easily, sustaining your energy so you can go that extra mile with comfort and ease.
Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu hold
Strike a (Finger) Pose
The fingers form the basis of self-help in Jin Shin Jyutsu. By simply holding one of our thumbs or fingers, we can harmonise 14,400 energy functions. But it gets even better! By creating specific mudras, or finger poses, we can target and harmonise particular issues.
For me, this particular mudra is one of Jin Shin Jyutsu’s best-kept secrets. It’s easy to do and highly effective for supporting my breathing, whether I’m out walking, running, talking, or even sitting quietly.
I remember showing this finger pose to a friend who’s a runner. He mentioned struggling to go the distance, whatever that distance was for him. He tried it while running and was amazed at how strong he felt – running faster and longer than he had in ages! I wish all runners and athletes knew about this.
This finger pose is also useful to assist breathing in places of high altitude.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Hold to Breathe Deeply
As long as your hands are free you can do this hold. You can practice one hand at a time or both hands together.
How long to hold for? As long as you want.

Place left thumb over left ring finger nail and
place right thumb over right ring finger nail.
Keep your other fingers as straight as possible, but relax the hands.
If you can’t straighten the fingers, don’t worry, main thing is that the thumb is over the ring finger nail.
Want to practice more Jin Shin Jyutsu?
I offer weekly group practice sessions in a private community. We come together from all over the world. For more information have a look at RealTime Group Practice.