Jin Shin Jyutsu for Stamina

I love walking and hiking. In the countryside where I live, there are lots of lovely walks to explore. Sometimes I go on very long hikes. If it’s hot and I need to walk up a steep hill, that combination of heat and incline can be tough. But it’s not a problem because that’s when I use one of my Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help holds. This is a great Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for stamina and endurance when you’re on the go!

After all these years of practicing this Art it still amazes me how this simple hold can really put the wind back in my sails if I’m feeling a bit worn out.

Watch the video where I explain the Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for Stamina

Hiking in the Austrian Alps

I remember a few years ago when I was hiking in the Alps in Austria. It was really hot – about 30 degrees Celsius – and very still, no breeze at all. I was walking with some family members up to a cabin in the mountains. It was a journey of about two or three hours. I was really flagging as we kept going up this incline. A little hill turned into a big hill that just didn’t stop, it just kept going up and up.

I was exhausted and thought, “What would Jin Shin Jyutsu have me do?” Then it came to me: put your hands on your hip bones!

So that’s what I did. I put my hands on my hip bones, and immediately, I felt like an invisible hand or force helped push me forward on that long ascent. It was almost like a generator had been turned on. It was absolutely amazing. I held there for a while, and that was it – I felt fine after that.

This Jin Shin Jyutsu hold gave me the stamina and the energy that I needed so I was able to fully enjoy my mountain hike.

Jin Shin Jyutsu for Stamina Exercise

The Power of the Twos

At the top of the left and right hip bone we find energy site or Safety Energy Lock (SEL) number 2. SEL 2 helps us inhale, giving us vitality and increasing our sense of well being. It also helps relieve back discomforts as well as tension and stress in the legs.

So, if you like hiking or walking and need a little help, just place your left hand on your left hip and your right hand on your right hip bone at Safety Energy Lock 2. Hold until there is relief, and then hold a bit longer if it feels good.

Do this Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for stamina and endurance as often as you need to.

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See also:

Keep the Body Fit and Toned with Jin Shin Jyutsu